Friday, September 2, 2011

Beyond Time and Money into the Eternal Flow

Beyond Time and Money into the Eternal Flow

There's an important strategy that helps people go from 'working for money' to 'wealth building'.  You stop trading time for money to pay for expenses and start leveraging your talents and resources to create businesses and streams of income that contribute value to others and welcome flow into your life for re-investment, savings, growth and expenses.  From a spiritual perspective leverage is tapping into the generous, intelligent flow of the all good that is our permanent nature and exists beyond the linear bounds of time and space. 

How do you activate your receptivity to the transformational experience of feeling, sharing and experiencing the infinite, sufficient bounty of Life?

Tap into the Timeless.  In Truth, we always only exist here at the place and here in the now.  There is nothing real about the past except as it operates as a memory in our thought, feeling and perception.  The future is not occurring except as projection of today's ideas in our awareness.  The things we perceive as deeply important and valuable in our businesses such as equity, clients, database, products, brands and strategies aren't permanent—their value is a present moment reality.

When we tap into the timeless through prayer, meditation and inspiration practices, we don't de-value the experiences, relationships and things of this world.  Rather we remember that we are One with something greater—many feel it as the presence of God within and around.  That feeling of Oneness builds a context within which we make our marketing, financial and business decisions with more clarity, faith and patience—and less desperation and worry. 

Value yourself and others.  A vital wealth practice is to deeply respect your own gifts and talents as God-given attributes that are unique to you.  When you appreciate yourself, you'll naturally be respectful of how you invest your time and energy in exchange for wages, return and income—even if you are working 20 hours a day to build a business or being a barista while you're earning your degree.  Self appreciation is a healthy reflection of how the divine loves, values and expresses as each one of us.

Extend that perception of value to your clients, vendors, partners and more.  Not everyone has the same wealth creation interest, skills and aspirations.  Diversity is an opportunity for appreciating how god shows up in and as the other people and institutions—and gives you the chance to make every financial transaction a chance for creating more respect and mutual value for all. 

Notice that not everything precious has a price tag. One of the 12 Tools taught in The Money Keys is Service.  It could be working at a soup kitchen, building with Habitat for Humanity, serving in your spiritual community.  Service is the generous giving of our time to help others while we receive the benefit of opening our hearts, forgetting our self concerns and deepening our humility.  Service is a prosperity practice because it awakens in the server the capacity to bring great benefit through a smile, an action, a gesture—often the very things that money can't buy but are vitally needed by others. 

I encourage you to have a place of practical, sacred service in your life that enriches you and others.  Your investment of time will return great riches to you and to those you serve.

As you live your life from the timeless, anchor in what you value and circulate with generosity, you create a wealth experience that is permanently peaceful, creative and free!  

Beyond Time and Money into the Eternal Flow

There's an important strategy that helps people go from 'working for money' to 'wealth building'.  You stop trading time for money to pay for expenses and start leveraging your talents and resources to create businesses and streams of income that contribute value to others and welcome flow into your life for re-investment, savings, growth and expenses.  From a spiritual perspective leverage is tapping into the generous, intelligent flow of the all good that is our permanent nature and exists beyond the linear bounds of time and space. 

How do you activate your receptivity to the transformational experience of feeling, sharing and experiencing the infinite, sufficient bounty of Life?

Tap into the Timeless.  In Truth, we always only exist here at the place and here in the now.  There is nothing real about the past except as it operates as a memory in our thought, feeling and perception.  The future is not occurring except as projection of today's ideas in our awareness.  The things we perceive as deeply important and valuable in our businesses such as equity, clients, database, products, brands and strategies aren't permanent—their value is a present moment reality.

When we tap into the timeless through prayer, meditation and inspiration practices, we don't de-value the experiences, relationships and things of this world.  Rather we remember that we are One with something greater—many feel it as the presence of God within and around.  That feeling of Oneness builds a context within which we make our marketing, financial and business decisions with more clarity, faith and patience—and less desperation and worry. 

Value yourself and others.  A vital wealth practice is to deeply respect your own gifts and talents as God-given attributes that are unique to you.  When you appreciate yourself, you'll naturally be respectful of how you invest your time and energy in exchange for wages, return and income—even if you are working 20 hours a day to build a business or being a barista while you're earning your degree.  Self appreciation is a healthy reflection of how the divine loves, values and expresses as each one of us.

Extend that perception of value to your clients, vendors, partners and more.  Not everyone has the same wealth creation interest, skills and aspirations.  Diversity is an opportunity for appreciating how god shows up in and as the other people and institutions—and gives you the chance to make every financial transaction a chance for creating more respect and mutual value for all. 

Notice that not everything precious has a price tag. One of the 12 Tools taught in The Money Keys is Service.  It could be working at a soup kitchen, building with Habitat for Humanity, serving in your spiritual community.  Service is the generous giving of our time to help others while we receive the benefit of opening our hearts, forgetting our self concerns and deepening our humility.  Service is a prosperity practice because it awakens in the server the capacity to bring great benefit through a smile, an action, a gesture—often the very things that money can't buy but are vitally needed by others. 

I encourage you to have a place of practical, sacred service in your life that enriches you and others.  Your investment of time will return great riches to you and to those you serve.

As you live your life from the timeless, anchor in what you value and circulate with generosity, you create a wealth experience that is permanently peaceful, creative and free!  

Beyond Time and Money into the Eternal Flow

There's an important strategy that helps people go from 'working for money' to 'wealth building'.  You stop trading time for money to pay for expenses and start leveraging your talents and resources to create businesses and streams of income that contribute value to others and welcome flow into your life for re-investment, savings, growth and expenses.  From a spiritual perspective leverage is tapping into the generous, intelligent flow of the all good that is our permanent nature and exists beyond the linear bounds of time and space.

How do you activate your receptivity to the transformational experience of feeling, sharing and experiencing the infinite, sufficient bounty of Life?

Tap into the Timeless.  In Truth, we always only exist here at the place and here in the now.  There is nothing real about the past except as it operates as a memory in our thought, feeling and perception.  The future is not occurring except as projection of today's ideas in our awareness.  The things we perceive as deeply important and valuable in our businesses such as equity, clients, database, products, brands and strategies aren't permanent—their value is a present moment reality.

When we tap into the timeless through prayer, meditation and inspiration practices, we don't de-value the experiences, relationships and things of this world.  Rather we remember that we are One with something greater—many feel it as the presence of God within and around.  That feeling of Oneness builds a context within which we make our marketing, financial and business decisions with more clarity, faith and patience—and less desperation and worry.

Value yourself and others.  A vital wealth practice is to deeply respect your own gifts and talents as God-given attributes that are unique to you.  When you appreciate yourself, you'll naturally be respectful of how you invest your time and energy in exchange for wages, return and income—even if you are working 20 hours a day to build a business or being a barista while you're earning your degree.  Self appreciation is a healthy reflection of how the divine loves, values and expresses as each one of us.

Extend that perception of value to your clients, vendors, partners and more.  Not everyone has the same wealth creation interest, skills and aspirations.  Diversity is an opportunity for appreciating how god shows up in and as the other people and institutions—and gives you the chance to make every financial transaction a chance for creating more respect and mutual value for all.

Notice that not everything precious has a price tag. One of the 12 Tools taught in The Money Keys is Service.  It could be working at a soup kitchen, building with Habitat for Humanity, serving in your spiritual community.  Service is the generous giving of our time to help others while we receive the benefit of opening our hearts, forgetting our self concerns and deepening our humility.  Service is a prosperity practice because it awakens in the server the capacity to bring great benefit through a smile, an action, a gesture—often the very things that money can't buy but are vitally needed by others.

I encourage you to have a place of practical, sacred service in your life that enriches you and others.  Your investment of time will return great riches to you and to those you serve.

As you live your life from the timeless, anchor in what you value and circulate with generosity, you create a wealth experience that is permanently peaceful, creative and free!

To your wealth and well-being, 

Rev. Karen Russo


Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

If you're looking to create your own freedom through a home-based business, I'd love to help you.
P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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