Thursday, April 26, 2012

I expect positives

Write down your fears and then burn them. What could hurt your outcome? How could the situation go wrong? As you burn your list, affirm: "I expect positives from now on!" -Deanna Schwartz 
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. As a Professional Network Marketer and Social Entrepreneur I work on spreading H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) with gratitude and purpose every day. ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Monday, April 23, 2012

Live Life With A Purpose

"The purpose of a life is a life of purpose." ~ Robert Byrne - Author
The complete fulfillment of ones soul has met its match when one is living life with genuine meaning.  Such meaning comes when ones heart and mind stay open to the inner nudge of the Creator.  We each are given opportunities daily to be of service to others and to live life with a purpose.  Could you be missing those quiet, gentle nudges?  Take time to tune out some of the noise and distractions in your day and tune in to a new frequency. . . A changed path toward a life with purpose
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. As a Professional Network Marketer and Social Entrepreneur I work on spreading H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) with gratitude and purpose every day. ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Follow Your Heart

Expressions of love that are rooted in action and affection can touch the souls of the people we care for in a very organic yet profound manner. Bonds of love built with words alone are weak. It is the acts of adoration and devotion that we perform for our loved one's benefit that cement the connection that exists between us. When we care for the people most important to us by seeing to their needs and making the maintenance of their quality of life a priority, their comprehension of our loving feelings will be a matter of spiritual knowledge rather than intellect. Our relationships will flourish, nourished by our selfless actions and the gift of our sincere affection. When we express our feelings using tender actions, our loved ones will never question the strength of oour devotion.

 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing.

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P.S. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Friday, April 20, 2012

Make The Best Of Each Day

Make The Best Of Each Day.
Try to live every day as though it were your last. Make the most of every day and accomplish something. Even if it is something small, every baby step adds up to a huge success in the end.

 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing.

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P.S. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Keep A Journal

 Keep A Journal.
As you work hard to reach success, regardless of what you consider that success to be, you need to be able to see your accomplishments. Start a journal and track every thing you have conquered. When you feel discouraged or frustrated, reflect on what you have achieved, and rejuvenate yourself.  
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. As a Professional Network Marketer and Social Entrepreneur I work on spreading H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) with gratitude and purpose every day. ~ 201-305-3561. 
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People Helping People

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. As a Professional Network Marketer and Social Entrepreneur I work on spreading H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) with gratitude and purpose every day. ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Tuesday, April 17, 2012



Putting yourself in the right attitude for success should be at the top of your list. Staying positive and surrounding yourself with friends, that share a positive attitude will help you succeed. Do not allow negative thoughts to slip into your mind. Attend motivational seminars and find ways to enjoy life. A good attitude will allow you to turn any bad situation into a learning experience. You have heard the saying, The glass is either half-full or half-empty. You need to adopt the attitude that life is half-full. The result is that you will feel better, have more energy, and have a much higher opportunity for success.

 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing.

 Social Networking Links
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P.S. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 
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What lies within

"What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us. " ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson - Poet, Essayist, Lecturer (1803-1882)

Each of us has a life story full of ups and downs; some events monumental and unforgettable. Many individuals carefully plan out their future with meticulous details. While we each feel our stories are of most importance, ironically, our life's events are minuscule when we consider the enormous potentials of the inner self. You are so much larger than your past and future! Search deeply within yourself for that incredible inner strength your Creator has graciously provided you.
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing.

 Social Networking Links
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P.S. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :)

Monday, April 16, 2012

Accepting Responsibility

Accepting Responsibility —
A Story of Bill Russell
by Jim Rohn
Most people dread accepting responsibility. That's just a fact of life, and we can see it in operation every day. Yes, we can see avoidance of responsibility all the time in both our personal and professional lives. And here's something else we can see just as often: we can see that most people aren't as successful as they wish they were. Do you see there is a connection between these two very common phenomena?

It's in your best interest to take responsibility for everything you do. But that's only the beginning. Many times it's even best to take responsibility for the mistakes of others, especially when you're in a managerial or leadership role.

During the years when professional basketball was just beginning to become really popular, Bill Russell, who played center for the Boston Celtics, was one of the greatest players in the pro league. He was especially known for his rebounding and defensive skills. 
But like a lot of very tall centers, Russell was never much of a free throw shooter. His free throw percentage was quite a bit below average in fact. But this low percentage didn't really give a clear picture of Russell's ability as an athlete. And in one game he gave a very convincing demonstration of this.

It was the final game of a championship series between Boston and the Los Angeles Lakers. With about twelve seconds left to play, the Lakers were behind by one point and Boston had the ball. It was obvious that the Lakers would have to foul one of Boston's players in order to get the ball back, and they chose to foul Bill Russell.
This was a perfectly logical choice since statistically Russell was the worst free throw shooter on the court at that moment. If he missed the shot, the Lakers would probably get the ball back and they'd still have enough time to try to win the game. But if Russell made his first free throw, the Lakers' chances would be seriously diminished. And if he made both shots, the game would essentially be over.

Bill Russell had a very peculiar style of shooting free throws. Today, no self-respecting basketball player anywhere in America would attempt it. Aside from the question of whether it's an effective way to shoot a basket, it just looked too ridiculous. Whenever he had to shoot a free throw, the six-foot-eleven Russell would start off holding the ball in both hands about waist high, then he'd squat down and as he straightened up he'd let go of the ball. It looked like he was trying to throw a bucket of dirt over a wall.

But regardless of how he looked, as soon as Bill Russell was fouled, he knew the Celtics were going to win the game. He was absolutely certain of it because, in a situation like this, statistics and percentages mean nothing. There was a much more important factor at work, something that no one has found a way to express in numbers and decimal points.

Simply put, Bill Russell was a player who wanted to take responsibility for the success or failure of his team. He wanted the weight on his shoulders in a situation like this. No possibility for excuses. No possibility of blaming anyone else if the game was lost. No second guessing. Bill Russell wanted the ball in his own hands and nobody else's. And, like magic, even if he'd missed every free throw he'd ever shot in his life before this, he knew he was going to make this one. And that is exactly what happened.

That is what virtually always happens when a man or woman accepts responsibility eagerly and with confidence. I've always felt that accepting responsibility is one of the highest forms of human maturity. A willingness to be accountable, to put yourself on the line, is really the defining characteristic of adulthood.
 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. As a Professional Network Marketer and Social Entrepreneur I work on spreading H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) with gratitude and purpose every day. ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Sunday, April 15, 2012

Law of Attraction

Whatever story you tell, whether good or bad, will be the story of your life. So start telling the story of your amazing life, and the law of attraction must make sure you receive it.

 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing.

 Social Networking Links
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P.S. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 
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Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The End of Business as Usual

The End of Business as Usual - A Brief Summary

In "The End of Business as Usual," author Brian Sola explains the sea change in business caused by the advent of social media, Sola poses quite a challenge to those of us who have not yet joined the Facebook, Twitter and Linked-in revolution. He got my attention with the statement that 65% of the Millennial generation born between the mid-seventies and late 90's are disconnected while awake less than one hour per day! Less than that "creates an unnerving sense of disconnectedness".

Taking Seth Godin's concept of Permission Marketing even further, Sola claims that it's not about companies connecting with customers, it's about customers deciding whether they want to connect with the company nowand over time. The internet explosion required that successful email marketers must earn the permission of their reader via the recipient's optin- agreement to receive the ad; a far cry from the intrusive and aggressive Madison Ave type advertising classically seen on television. Over the last ten years, we learned how to integrate permission marketing into our offers and our over-all marketing campaigns. And we found that we were adaptable and willing to change.

Guess what? It's time for morechangeifwe want to compete in the 21st century.Hereis why.

The Millennial purchaser is not just interested in giving permission to the companies they want to hear from: they expect to partner with them, claims Sola, More than simply a business relationship, these younger purchasers expect to like the company they do business with so that they can share and post their purchasing experiences with their friends and networks, estimated at an average of 130 for each Facebook user. When they have a problem, they are not interested in dealing with your customer service departments, they expect to hear from someone at the top.. Aged from 17-32 as of 2012, this group comprises 25% of the on-line purchasing population.

Both In 2010 and 2011, Facebook outranked Google as the primary search term-people are increasingly more interested in other people and relationships. The results?

Americans are looking to different sources for our information. Television viewers are declining, subscriptions to traditional newspapers dropped by 9% in 2010, even more in thelast couple of years. The combined subscribers of the New York Times, Wall St. Journal and USA Today have less than 5 million subscribers while Facebook houses more than 750 million residents and over 200 million people are using Twitter as a primary mode of communication. Interestingly the isolation predicted by the increased use of internet during the nineties does not seem to hold in the twenty-first century: surveyors find that over 50 percent of respondents feel more connected nowthan they did prior to the emergence of the social networks. The increased sense of "connectedness" is apparently more than a virtualphenomenon.

In 2008, Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, introduced a formula later known as "Zuckerberg's Law" when he explained that social networkingis simply about connecting with people we know and predicted that with each passing year, people will share twice as much information.Think about that for just a moment; a doubling of shared information each and every year. According to Nielson, Americans in 2011 spent a quarter of their waking hours on line networking and Facebook measures more than 700 billion minutes per month spent "Facebooking."

These numbers are staggering and the implications for marketing profound for those whose products are shared, liked and posted.

 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

I love to share Daily Inspiration. I'm a Professional Network Marketer & Social Entrepreneur offering H.O.P.E. (Helping Other People Excel) by creating freedom with Network Marketing. If you knew what I know about Network Marketing you'd do whatever it takes to get involved today! ~ 201-305-3561. 

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Monday, April 2, 2012

Success advice

Getting Past Fear Of Failure.
Being afraid of failure is a normal emotion for every person on the planet. How you get past that fear is the determining factor between failing and succeeding. You can do that by setting realistic goals and then examining those goals on occasion to do any necessary realignment. Above all, believe in yourself and the desire burning within.

We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
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