Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Give yourself permission to start over

  How many times have you had to start over? Perhaps you had to do yet another 'fridge clean-out to help get your eating on track, or maybe you had to delete ol' boy's number…again. Or perhaps you had to take a job after months or years of being self-employed. Whatever the case may be, when you find that you set a goal for yourself and don't quite make it, instead of beating yourself up, press the refresh button and start again.

Recently, I wrote about giving yourself permission to start over. Too often we give ourselves one shot, or maybe three to get something right, when we really need 5 or 10, or however many it takes.

Life is about learning from our success and our failure in order to get to our ultimate goal and bouncing back when things don't quite go according to plan.

Had I not had the courage to start over you would not be reading this today. I wouldn't have decided to write professionally, I wouldn't have pitched article after article after being turned down, and I wouldn't have quit my Executive gig to pursue what I love.

While many people focus on the failure, there is power in the simple act of trying again. As long as you're breathing you have another opportunity to start anew and reach your goals, so why not take it?

Push the restart button, and go after those dreams!


 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team


If you're tired of building the dreams of other people and not being in control of your future I'm helping people free themselves from the bonds of indentured servitude that most jobs have become http://OwnYourLifeIn45Seconds.com 
THINK YOU'RE NOT AT RISK? Got Home? Got Health? Got Life? Got Auto? GET LEGAL & IDENTITY! http://FollowUsToTotalAccess.com
DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase those items through my links I may earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. In fact, I oftentimes am able to negotiate a lower rate (or bonuses) not available elsewhere. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower
more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Let’s Go Do It


Let's Go Do It. by Jim Rohn

To really help people in extraordinary ways, learn to deal in challenges. That is what sports is all about: challenges. That is what music is all about. The challenge to play so well, someone is inspired. The challenge to say it so well, someone gets it. The challenge to be so gifted in language that someone sees it. Insight is unbelievable; only human beings can do this.

The man closes his eyes and puts his hands over his eyes and says, "I see it." You say, "No, you don't; you've got your eyes closed." No. There is more than one way to see. And all someone has to do is to see an answer that they can start on immediately, and within six months, their life could start to multiply and change. Within one year, the difference will be extraordinary, and a person who was lost now becomes a person of influence—just because someone helped them to see for the moment what was wrong and the possibility to change it. And then the challenge to go do it and do it well.

Now, here is the best challenge of all: "Let's go do it." Don't always say, "You go do it. You change." But rather, "Let's get healthy. Let's go change the world. Let's build an enterprise. Let's work on this together." See, I always respond better to "let's." Sometimes it is hard to lift yourself out. It's hard to be self-inspired at first. And if someone says, "Come on, let's start a new program." "Come on, let's do exercises." "Come on, let's get healthy." "Come on, let's start something. I'll be there, you be there, and you bring a guest and I'll bring a guest—let's start something." That is so inspiring to have somebody say "let's." "Let's do it." "Let's build a team." "Let's win the championship." "Let's walk off with the trophy."

"Let's." Wow, there is something about that that can keep you awake at nights. There is something about that that turns on the juices. There is something about that that reaches deep in the soul. For a person could do extraordinary things when somebody says "Let's." "Let's do it." "I've got two with me already; if you'll be the next one, we can conquer the world." You say, "Whoa, together nobody is a match for us." By yourself, you're vulnerable; but with us, nobody is a match. You say, "Wow! I want to belong to that team." So figure out ways to say "Let's."


 We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team


If you're tired of building the dreams of other people and not being in control of your future I'm helping people free themselves from the bonds of indentured servitude that most jobs have become http://OwnYourLifeIn45Seconds.com 
THINK YOU'RE NOT AT RISK? Got Home? Got Health? Got Life? Got Auto? GET LEGAL & IDENTITY! http://FollowUsToTotalAccess.com
DISCLOSURE: I may be an affiliate for products that I recommend. If you purchase those items through my links I may earn a commission. You will not pay more when buying a product through my link. In fact, I oftentimes am able to negotiate a lower rate (or bonuses) not available elsewhere. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower
more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you!