Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Pre-Paid Legal Associate Al Lewis featured in LOYOLA LIVING magazine

Our Business Partner, Pre-Paid legal Services, Inc. has tons of amazing,
incredible and inspirational stories of people from all walks of life
overcoming seemingly insurmountable odds, to achieve lifestyles many people
gave up even dreaming about.

After 1st seeing Mr. Al Lewis on stage in Oklahoma City in March 2010, Dawn
& I were fortunate enough to meet him in person in Cancun this past June,
just 8 months after his stroke.

We spent over an hour listening to him speak about how the wisdom he applies
in his life, helped him to be sitting poolside on a company all-expenses
paid retreat that he continued to qualify for every month.

Now if a guy who suffered a stroke can make $9500 in a month and maintain
his qualification to bring his wife & himself on vacation-while recovering-I
mean what's your excuse gonna be?- "My
wife/husband/mother/father/sister/brother/kids/boss/German shepherd won't
let me."

Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc. (NYSE: PPD) Associate Al Lewis (of Chicago) is
featured in a cover story of LOYOLA LIVING, a magazine published by the
Loyola University Health System, a nationally recognized leader in
healthcare services in Chicago.

Al was a patient at Loyola, following a stroke he suffered in October 2009
while he was involved in a business presentation. Before joining PPD, Al
was a truck driver for a national delivery company. In his current PROFILES
OF SUCCESS, Al said, "I hesitate to think what would have happened to me and
my family financially if I still had [the truck driving] job.

I had catastrophic medical insurance to take care of my medical bills but
nothing in place to help meet my other financial responsibilities nothing
except Pre-Paid Legal.

While hospitalized for virtually the whole month of October, Pre-Paid Legal
sent me more than $9,500 in commissions. Had it not been for Pre-Paid
Legal, I can't think what would have happened to me."

That's a great story. And here is a link to the LOYOLA LIVING article about
Al's recovery and the beautiful music he is now making:

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Dawn & Derrick Carpenter
Independent Associates Pre-Paid Legal Services®, Inc
Dreams By Design Team
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I'm all a twitter http://twitter.com/HomeBizTaxCoach
P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://PPLProfessionals.com  
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