Multiple Skills for the 21st Century
by Jim Rohn
I believe that in the 21st century it is so important to have multiple skills. But what I also find is that if you have an entrepreneurial business (or plan to in the future), you can gain the needed skills for the future while you create your income now.
Here's my short list for on-the-job training, so that you can learn while you earn.
I began my journey with sales, which, of course, dynamically changed my life at age 25. The first year I multiplied my income by five. Being raised in farm country, I knew how to milk cows, but it didn't pay well. Sales altered the course of my life, where I learned to present a valid product in the marketplace, talk about its virtues and get somebody to say "Yes." Then give them good service.
Then came recruiting, how to expand my business and build an organization. We have all heard the question, is it better to have one person selling a $1,000 or have 100 people selling $10? If you ask me, I'll take the 100 at $10. Once mastered, recruiting, the ability to multiply your efforts, is one of life's and leadership's greatest time-management resources.
Then I learned organizing. Keeping your own schedule can be difficult at times, but now you have to balance multiple tasks and people to get maximum results. You will find that the payoff is massive once you have tapped into the synergy and momentum of group dynamics and teamwork.
Next is promotion. First it's the spring campaign and then the fall campaign, and then it's this month's objective's campaign. You never know when it's going to click for someone to want or need to buy from you or be a part of what you are doing, so having the offer or the special or the contest going when they're ready can make all the difference.
Then it's the recognition. Some people work harder for recognition than they do for money. It's the chance to belong. It's getting people to do something that, ordinarily on their own, they wouldn't think of doing. They could, but they don't think of it. You come along with a little promotion for this month or this quarter and everything changes for them, and I found that paid big money.
Then I learned communication. How to do the training, how to do the teaching, and probably the greatest gift of all is learning how to inspire with words. Inspire people to see themselves better than they are with all of those gifts, all of those skills. Be the voice that tells them they have made a wise decision and here's why.
Now, I believe with just this little short list I've given you, you'll be equipped. We've all watched what has happened the last 15 years. The guy had one skill; the company downsizes. His division is eliminated and since he only had one skill, now he is vulnerable. He's wandering around saying, "Oh my, the last few years I should have taken some classes that would have taught me a couple of more things and I wouldn't be here in this vulnerable position."
So my admonition: Learn some multiple skills, or should we say, backup skills for the 21st century, and no better place to learn them than in what you're already doing now.
We all have two choices: We can make a living or we can design a life.~Jim Rohn
Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team
Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561
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