When you hold a poor image about you and money, it's almost
impossible to attract enough of it into your life.
And even if you have used your talent and enormous energy to
earn some big money, a poor image will do everything it can
to sabotage your wealth (there are a number of well known
athletes and celebrities who are proving this principle
right now).
Here are some beliefs that are common to those with a poor
money image:
"I can't ever seem to get ahead."
"It takes money to make money."
"Most people who have lots of money got lucky."
"I'm not worthy enough to be wealthy."
"I don't have what it takes to make a lot of money."
"I've never been good at managing money."
"To earn more money, you have to sacrifice everything."
And there are many more.
I had most of those beliefs myself fourteen or fifteen years
ago when I didn't have any money. So I know they're very
real beliefs for a lot of people.
When it comes to money, most people believe it will take a
struggle to ever have any. The truth is, as Bob Proctor
teaches, "you were born rich." You literally possess,
right this moment, everything you need to be wealthy beyond
your imagination.
You're just not conscious (aware) of it right now.
I've had the great honor to speak on the same stage with
Bob a number of times. It's always very exciting to watch
the looks on the faces of the audience as they listen to
Bob. People have told me they've never heard anyone explain
money and wealth the way Bob does.
On one occasion I remember an audience member that Bob
interrupted as he was describing himself as "hard
working." Bob asked him why he wanted to be "hard
working," because creating wealth has nothing at all to do
with working hard. The audience member grew speechless as it
dawned on him what Bob was talking about.
participated in the first-ever You Were Born Rich
Tele-Seminar we did with Bob. He said, 'For all my life,
and I'm pushing 70, I've had a poor image as far as money
is concerned. I grew up in a very tight home and your
seminar has led me to think I can earn five thousand a week.
And already things are coming to me just like you said.
They're coming to my mind, how I can begin doing that..."
As Bob says, "Lack and limitation can only exist when
we make room for them in our mind." And the same is true
for abundance and wealth. Start making room for them.
Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team
Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561. http://OwnYourLifeIn45Seconds.com
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