Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction



I don't know about you but when I started to learn about the Law

of Attraction I was a little concerned.

Teachers were instructing us to first know what we want, create the

thought, visualize that something then attach emotion to it and it will

then be manifested.

The reason I was concerned was because even though I had tried many

times I could not visualize anything! So if you are having trouble with

visualizations don't worry you're not the only one!

Not everyone has a widescreen movie theater on the inside of their

eyelids. Some people close their eyes and see absolutely nothing! I

just see blackness (technically orange if it's light), but not a clear


This is one of the main reasons we created the Mind Movie website - to

help me, and in turn, hundreds of others visualize and manifest the life

of their dreams.

Being able to master visualization means being able to tap into the

higher creative power that makes things happen. Combined with

positive emotions you have the electricity to manifest your wildest dreams.


The fact is that most of us don't have complete control over our minds.


Let's face it we have very busy lives and finding the time to visualize

and keeping focus is very difficult.


As soon as I try to relax and think about a specific goal, contradictory

thoughts pop up, and negative thoughts start flooding into my mind,

neutralizing any previous positive thoughts that I had.

I then go into that "inner dialogue" getting cranky with myself for

not being able to focus - can you relate to that as well?

Your predominant thoughts and mental attitude rule and influence

whatever you think about.

If you keep beating yourself up for not being able to visualize effectively

you are just attracting more negative emotions which is not going to bring

you any closer to your goals.

Remember thoughts are things.

My recommendation is to start with short periods of visualization of

your goals. This is easier to achieve and will create positive emotions

and results.

Another effective method is to use a visualization tool such as a vision

board or Mind Movie.

Just going through the process of getting clear about what you want and then creating a vision board or Mind Movie with inspiration and intent can be the trigger for you to easily start the visualization process every time you look at it.

The right music choice for you can also help to trigger inspired visualization especially if combined with photos or affirmations.

This is the reason why a Mind Movie is so powerful as it combines

all three in a very dynamic format.

The goal is to visualize on a regular basis so you can use this

power in an unconscious manner in your everyday affairs.

This is what all successful people do in every field whether it be

consciously or unconsciously.


You know with commitment and dedication we can all attract money, possessions, love, change habits and improve our health as consistently as any successful person.


~Natalie Ledwell





Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team


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P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://PPLProfessionals.com

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