Thursday, September 23, 2010

Taking Control of your Little Voice

Today I will share one of the BEST tips for dealing with your "Little Voice" when it starts sabotaging you, so you can manage it out of the way and put the real YOU back in control:

When your negative "Little Voice" is interfering, holding you back, causing you upset or doubt....

Simply say,"STOP!!!!" Say it out loud! It may sound weird, especially if you are out and about, but that's all it takes to derail your "Little Voice" for a moment. Once you have done that, the real YOU can get back in control and choose the thoughts you really want to have. Remember to focus on what you CAN accomplish, not all the negative input your "Little Voice" was sharing about what cannot be done.

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team


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