Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Why YOU must make it !!!

Why YOU must make it !!! By David Bruerd

Christine works in a small company in Layton, Utah that produces lapel pins and recognition awards.

She loves her work.

She knows that these pins are awarded to the thousands of people who advance in levels in their Network Marketing company every month. She has worked here since she was 16.

She is now 23.

She uses all her income to support her unemployed mother and disabled sister Cathy.

Cathy requires special care which costs thousands of dollars and Christine works hard to provide it.

Everything for her hinges on more and more people being awarded these pins, so she can continue to have a good paying job.

That's why you have to make it.

Felipe owns the Mexican restaurant your team meets at every Wednesday night.

He loves your positive attitude and friendly nature. You enjoy the food and the casual ambience.

And the food is superb. He is thrilled to have you all as a group coming in frequenting his And the food is superb. He is thrilled to have you all as a group coming in frequenting his restaurant.

Because you're all there is between him having to close up or stay open.

The business his family has owned for 42 years. The economy has crushed him.

Less and less people are coming through his doors and he almost cries when he sees you and your MLM team come in on a Wednesday night. He knows he can survive another week until things get better. As your team grows, more and more people join you on the Wednesday night.

While you raise a glass at the table, Felipe raises his hands and thanks God he's made it through another week.

That's why you have to make it.

A man sits on a train staring into the wall. He wonders what brought him to this hell he has to now endure.

He has lost his job...again. His boss assured him that 'tough business conditions' were the reason and he simply could not keep him on. He has no idea what to tell his wife. He can't call her because their phone was disconnected on Friday. They're two months behind on their mortgage and the bank has been playing things tough. He sits on a train because six weeks ago, a tow truck came and took their car away from their driveway. He wishes someone would come along and show him a way out.

Someone who could put out a helping hand and say "it's okay, we can get out of this together. I will show you a better way."

That's why you have to make it.

The world needs heroes. It needs people like YOU, willing to live life loud. TO BE EPIC.

It needs people to step up and say I will do what it takes to make things better for myself and others.

Take what you've been given with this opportunity and use it to help people like Christine, Felipe and the man on the train.

You and I have the opportunity and responsibility to stimulate the personal economy of MORE people than any Presidential Administration ever has or ever will.

When you lift yourself up through this business, it's inevitable that you raise others with you.

As you grow and prosper, that growth and prosperity will shine into the lives of others.

It's just the way life was meant to be.

And that's why you have to make it.

Your friend in success,

David B

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561 http://FollowUsToTotalFreedom.com

I'm all a-twitter: http://twitter.com/HomeBizTaxCoach

P S You won't believe this website I found:                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
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