Monday, June 14, 2010

I believe in you

I believe in you

I may not even know you, maybe there’s a chance I do, it doesn’t matter I believe in you. If you’d have known me not so long ago, you’d never question why I say what I do.

My life was in shambles torn and tattered. There was nothing of substance.

There was nothing that mattered.

Then first, one at a time they came –then so many I don’t recall every name, but the message, their message was always the same, “Don’t Give UP! Don’t Quit! You Can Do it! You may not know it yet, but we do, hang in there we believe in you.”

More came and repeated more of the same, “Don’t Give UP! Don’t Quit! You Can Do it! You may not know it yet, but we do, hang in there we believe in you.”

I’d heard this before, back in my carefree childhood days…Back then these words I choose to ignore. But what I was hearing was a familiar refrain: If life knocks you down start again.

Even if you don’t know where or how to start-that’s not a reason not to; it’s not the where, why, or how, it’s the do & you can. I know you can, I really do-I believe in you.

Climb a mountain, captain ship, read a book it doesn’t matter the feat, how great or how small-whatever you want you can do it all. And do it well.

It may be difficult at first and you’ll think I’m gonna fail-that’s alright, sometimes it is what you think-but more often it’s what you do. Think what you think-I still believe in you.

Have you ever heard that you don’t fail unless you quit? Guess what it’s true. So give it another shot-I believe in you.

You may not be the Greatest Of All Time in anything you do-so what? Do it anyway, do it cause you love it, do it for your you-I don’t care why you do it-do it and I’ll believe in you.

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
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