Friday, December 23, 2011

Do It Now

"Do it now!" can affect every phase of your life. It can help you do the things you should do but don't feel like doing. It can keep you from procrastinating when an unpleasant duty faces you. But it can also help you do those things that you want to do. It helps you seize those precious moments that, if lost, may never be retrieved.

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Audit Tax Tidbit

Happy Holidays!

Short tidbit for LegalShield Associates & their new members.
IRS Audit protection is one of the major lines of coverage, a new member is covered from the tax return of the year they sign-up, that would be your 2011 Return...

So take a few minutes & check-in with your potential clients, who are fence-sitting. No one wants the hassles of an audit, but it happens, having a licensed tax attorney to go to work with, maybe for you, as you, for pennies a day seems like a no-brainer to me.

Enjoy your Holiday & remember you can sign-up online 24/7 but year-end business ends 2pm CST on Friday 12/30/11...that' it from here

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

After Holiday Activity

Happy Holidays Dream Builders & Game Changers,

I don't need to tell you that Christmas comes a full week BEFORE the end of the month (year) and I certainly don't need to tell you how much momentum you can bring into 2012 by not taking a "holiday week" the 26th-30th...

Listen to Mr. Brian Carruthers, LegalShield Million Dollar Per Year Income Earner (Replay) Call: And get the scoop on some serious after Christmas activity----> 712 432 1085 pin 740917#

So many people don't truly understand our simple system, it's not the results, but the activity, which drives your business. Before you finish decking the halls, do ONE simple activity...Listen to this call with a notebook & pen, your business will all the better for it.

Happy Holidays! Merry Christmas! Let's Go Hard & Finish 2011 Strong!

Peace & Prosperity!

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

Remember this thought as we move through the 2011-12 Holiday season:

You are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Any time you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life, you're capable of doing that by choosing different thoughts.

The holidays bring us ample time to get together with friends and family from far-flung corners of the state(s)
You may feel this is an excellent opportunity to let them know, in person what you've been up to or how you've been progressing.
As you talk with people over the holiday, remember your Purpose discover if people have the types of problems or needs that your solution can help them solve. And if they do, and they're
obviously prepared to take action, then offer them the opportunity to change their present situation.
A wonderful starter question is (first name) Do you know anyone who would like to do better in 2012 than they did in 2011?
And let the conversation flow from there...This way you can make a positive contribution by helping others achieve their goals while continuing to naturally and effortlessly achieve yours!
That's real prosperity... and a wonderful gift to give!
Love Ya!

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.


I'm all a-twitter:  
P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please
note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items,
in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission.
Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower
more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :)

Biggest “Waste-of-Time Things” People Do To Build Their Business

Biggest "Waste-of-Time Things" People Do To Build Their Business

We have a list we call "waste-of-time things to do" in building your business. The second thing on the list is explaining a marketing plan in detail to a new person. Don't do it. By the time you get all the way through it, they don't understand it anyway. Just give them enough to get started. It's not necessary to explain the whole thing. Keep it real simple.

Also, the company has evolved with the tools, things like the internet, the DVDs, and the websites. Speaking of the internet, it has almost caused the downfall of this profession for a few years. People thought that all they had to do was recruit using computers. Well, it doesn't work. Computers are only good for training, follow-up and communication. It does not work to blast cyberspace to recruit people.

The point here is, once you have all the tools, all you have to do with your potentials is direct them to the right tools and then follow up if she (he) has any questions.

Tragically, the number one waste-of-time thing that people do in trying to build their business is to look for people to sponsor into their business. If you do the business right, you will never have to do that. Instead, you start off with a friend. A lot of people, however, say that they are willing to talk to strangers, but don't want to talk to their friends.

Their problem is one of two things. Either they don't believe it, or they don't understand it. If you believe that you could be financially independent in 1 to 3 years, and you understand it well enough to explain it to them  why would you want to give that kind of an opportunity to a total stranger before you gave it to your best friend?

Of course, you start with your friend. That person will know about 200 people that you don't know. You teach the one you already have (your friend) how to do "this" and "that," and how to introduce you to their friends. Can anyone meet a stranger if someone will introduce the stranger to them? The easiest way to be successful in LegalShield is to make a friend, then meet their friends.

 I want to stress something here. After I have signed up one of my friends, I immediately help them turn around and get their first person. Do the same with your new associates. Then start working down line to get the duplication going. In the process of doing this, along comes a second person. Now I have two people that I'm working with.

 This business has never been about signing up a bunch of people. It's about this—you get one person, and then help that person get one person. Then you teach and help that person to sign up one more.

Meanwhile, you start over and get one more. Then you have a real flow going. Once you get up to five—if you are working for your people like you should be—you now are going to be really busy. Remember that each person knows over 200 others. Some people misunderstand this. They say that we tell them you only sponsor five people. That's not true. Once you get the five, you put the brakes on for a moment and work with them until one of the five doesn't need you anymore.

It could be the first person you brought in. It might be the last one. It doesn't matter. When that person no longer needs you, you're free to offer someone else the opportunity. When you stop to think about it, isn't that what's really great about this business? You get to choose the people you want to work with.

You c(sh)ould have up to five new people by the end of your first full month in the business. If you start somewhere in the middle of a month, then you start counting after the first month in the business.

Before I continue, I'm going to tell you about a huge mistake that I made in this business. This is a mistake you want to avoid.

 Like I mentioned earlier, most of your potentials will know about 200 people with whom they could share their newfound opportunity. However, never, ever tell your new person to make out a list of 100 or 200 names. Don't do it—and here's why.

You've done all this preliminary work of telling someone that this business is not selling, it's networking and Network Marketing is different than selling. The person finally signs up in your business. This person might have had a job 15 years ago selling vacuum cleaners, insurance, encyclopedias or whatever. Guess what the first thing a sales manager tells the salesperson to do? Make a list of 100 names. Can anyone explain to me why you would need a list of 100 names simply to sponsor your best friend? You know who your best friends are. Instead, compile a short list.

What's a short list? If you were to go on a cruise, think of the five people who you would like to see have the time and money to be able to come with you. That is your list of names!

By the time you start meeting their friends, and meeting their friends, and so on, you're going to be so busy that you just have no idea how it grows. All we do is go around and meet people. That's all we do. So don't tell anyone to make out those big lists, or they'll think this is about selling.

If we take a look at the figures, we see that 5 multiplied by 200 is 1, 000. You now have a thousand potential people to meet through the five you already have. Just teach the ones you already have, how they can introduce new people to you.

You're going to help your 5 people so they get 5 serious people. That takes you to 25 serious people. 25 multiplied by 200 equals 5,000. These 5,000 plus the original 1,000 adds up to 6,000 potential people to meet through the people you already have. When would you have time to be out looking for strangers?

You're going to teach your people to help their people. It now goes from 25 up to 125. That's 25 multiplied by 5 each. You could be there in about six months. But, if it takes a whole year, so what? These are all serious people here. Now, you have 125 multiplied by 200, which equals 25,000. Now your potential number of people to meet has reached 31,000 through the people you already have. Again, when would you have time to be looking for strangers?

Live The Life You've Dreamed,

Dawn & Derrick Carpenter

Dream Architects

Dreams By Design Team Co-Founders



Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.


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P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower
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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

This ██ ████ the Internet will ████ like if SOPA passes

Former Senator Chris Dodd -- head of the Motion Picture Association of America -- says that China censors its Internet, so we can too:

"When the Chinese told Google that they had to block sites or they couldn't do [business] in their country, they managed to figure out how to block sites."

These are the voices our lawmakers listen to.  If we're going to win, we need to drown them out before TOMORROW's committee vote on SOPA.   

Our goals for the week are one call per congressmember per minute -- and one million emails:  Please click here to make a call or send an email, or do both right away -- it'll really only take a couple of minutes.

It's do-or-die time:  The House Judiciary Committee will likely pass the Stop Online Piracy Act TOMORROW, Thursday. Once the bill moves out of committee, the House can pass it at any time.

If you've already made a call, please use our "censor anything" tool to urge your friends to contact Congress:

We want to make sure people understand what the Internet could be like if SOPA passes, so we're asking millions of people to protest censorship as part of our #CensorshipEverywhere campaign -- use our tool to censor parts of your own posts to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and anything and everything else.

To uncensor it, your friends will need to contact their lawmakers and ask them to oppose SOPA:

Click ████ to uncensor this post and create a ████████ ████ and ████ it to ████ friends.  To ████████ it, ████'ll ████ to use our ████ to ███████ ████████

Here's an example of what a censored email would look like:



The most important thing this week is that EVERYONE join the protests in some way.  If all of us drive our audiences to make phone calls, we're unstoppable. We need to jam Congress's inboxes and melt their phone lines if we're going to stop SOPA.  

Finally, if you have a website, post this call widget and urge your users to make calls -- Please paste this code into your website, blog, or Tumblr:
<iframe src="" width="588" height="625" border="0"></iframe>
Or add this script to your site:
<script src=""></script>

Join us and be a hero for Internet freedom and free speech.

We need you,  

- David, Holmes, Tiffiniy, other David, and the rest of the team.

PS: This is it.  Please help drive as much traffic as possible to Congress this week.  Use these buttons to enlist your friends to fight censorship -- your post or tweet will be 'censored':


Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Beware of the Grinch

Beware of the Grinch by Denis Waitley

Now's the time you should hear this! For very good reason! Now, please don't ask why. It's not simply the season.
Sooner or later the Grinch will invite you
To give up your life's goal as something you can't do.

It could be his head isn't screwed on just right.
It could be, perhaps, that his pants are too tight.
But I think the most likely reason of all
Is that his heart is too cold and his vision too small.

The Grinch is a dream stealer of many disguises.
A friend or relation with depressing surprises.
Just when you feel that your business is booming
He fills you with thoughts that are glooming and dooming. He whispers about the forthcoming disaster
And about the new plan where you'll get rich much faster

When you say you look forward to earning a million.
He'll scoff and retort: "Not one chance in a billion!"
With a stock market rising and confidence strong
You'd think he'd get real and start going along.
But he howls and he growls with his terrible frown
"Whatever goes up, has got to come down!"

Sometimes the Grinch is quick to appear.
Sometimes he shows up year after year.
But whatever your "Why" and no matter "Who"
The dream stealer, Grinch, will start hitting on You.
He's the fear deep inside that insists you can't sell.
He's the voice that says, "Stop! Things are going too well!"

He especially hates Christmas and the spirit of giving
For he selfishly thinks that by "getting" you're living.
He thinks passionate service is too big a "Why"
And that money's the only incentive to try.
But he's missing the point, and hasn't a clue
That every Who out in Who-ville has a Dream to come true.

Sooner or later all dream stealers find
That they're out in the cold and left far behind.
What they could have or might have or should have possessed
Has now passed them by and left them depressed.

As you sit by the fire and plan the new year
Surrounded by family and friends of good cheer.
Remember the Grinch, with his feet in the snow."
Standing puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?"
"It came without ribbons! It came without tags!
It came without packages, boxes or bags!"

"Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store." "Maybe Christmas... Perhaps... means a little bit more!"
It's a spirit to treasure each day and each night
It's the reason the American dream is still burning bright
It's a mission of hope you can trust and believe
"The more that you give, the more you'll receive!"

This week during the Holidays, look for ways to give more!

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Monday, December 12, 2011

What Can You Learn from a Quarterback?

From: Randy Gage:  There's a very powerful lesson for you from a quarterback.  And yes, ladies, this means you as well!

Believing in Yourself

So they said he would never be a high school quarterback. He was. Said he could never do it in college. He did. Said he would never win a National championship. He did. Said he wouldn't be drafted in the first round. He was. They said he could never win in the NFL. But all he does is win ballgames.

Of course I'm talking about Tim Tebow.

So what's the lesson in all this for you? Do you have people that don't believe in you? Did people tell you network marketing couldn't work? Did you face rejection, ridicule or apathy?

Cool. Now you've had your test. Now get out and turn it into a testimony!


Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                    
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Jay-Z: We all must fight poverty

Greetings Dream Builders & Game Changers,

The Law of Attraction is a deceptively simple philosophy by which we can live life on our own terms and attract things, experiences and people to us.

In the simplest possible terms, the Law of Attraction says that "like attracts like." This is evident in the world around us -- think about old sayings like, "birds of a feather flock together," or "tell me who your friends are, and I'll tell you who you are."

In my opinion it's best not be, "anti- anything."

"I will never attend an anti-war rally-- call me when you have a pro peace rally and I'll be there." ~Mother Teresa

I, like Mother Teresa, prefer to be pro-something. I am pro-prosperity, so we must not fight poverty, so much as promote prosperity.

Having said that- there are some great universal nuggets in this short video clip featuring hop-hipreneur Shawn Jay-Z Carter.

Video~Jay-Z: We all must fight poverty

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Business Goals for 2012

If you were not able to listen in to the conference call today outlining LegalShield's goals for 2012 you can listen online! Just log in to Associates Only and click on the "Business Goals for 2012" update.

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

LinkedIn Tip 2 - Why we give away the book

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jan Vermeiren - Bert Verdonck" <>
Date: Dec 8, 2011 4:02 PM
Subject: LinkedIn Tip 2 - Why we give away the book
To: "Derrick Carpenter" <>

Dear Derrick,

last week you  downloaded the e-book version of "How to REALLY use LinkedIn".

As you noticed on the website we are giving away 1 million copies of the e-book.

The reasons why we are doing this are:

1) We want to "pay it forward" (

We firmly believe and have experienced ourselves that the biggest factor for being successful in life is ... people. However, one of the most limiting beliefs human beings have is that they don't have access to the people they need in order to advance their life.

LinkedIn solves that problem, at least on a professional level. But many people don't know how to use LinkedIn. Enter our book!

Since we have received help from so many people, giving away the e-book version of our book is our way of paying it forward and helping as many people as possible to become (more) successful.

2) We want to raise money for charity in two ways.

a) When people buy the paper version of "How to REALLY use LinkedIn (2nd edition)", our royalties go to charity.

b) When people got some value out of the book, they can support charities by donating.

Do you want to help us to make 1 million people as successful as possible?

Then think about people in your environment who are looking for new customers, employees, partners, suppliers, internal or external experts or a new job.

Point them to the website of the book: so they can get their free copy of the book and the extra tips via email!

Or share the link in the LinkedIn and Facebook Groups you are member of.

Together we can make this world a fantastic one to live in !

Jan and Bert

PS: in case you are wondering how we are making money when we give everything away: we make a living by giving presentations, workshops, webinars and corporate programs about offline networking, LinkedIn and referrals. So, don't worry about us :-)

Networking Coach
Ekkersgatstraat 1 bus 2
2840 Rumst - Belgium
Tel (B): + 32 (3) 216 27 47
Tel (NL): +31 30 80 80 144

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How To Win Friends & Influence People

How To Win Friends & Influence People
by Dale Carnegie

Below you will find the condensed wisdom of Dale Carnegie, the gentleman who studied what made successful people successful, and then wrote How To Win Friends & Influence People. Personally, I believe when the principles below on Attraction, Influence, and Leadership are consistently applied into every aspect of your life, then you too will discover that building your LegalShield business is easier than you ever thought possible!

How To Make People Like You

1. Become genuinely interested in other people.
2. Smile.
3. Remember that the person's name is the sweetest and most important sound in any language.
4. Be a good listener; encourage others to talk about themselves.
5. Talk in terms of the other person's interest.
6. Make the other person feel important—and do it sincerely.

How To Win People To Your Way Of Thinking

1. The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it.
2. Show respect for others' opinions. Never say, "You're wrong!"
3. If you are wrong, admit it quickly and emphatically.
4. Begin in a friendly way.
5. Get the other person saying;"Yes, yes!" immediately.
6. Let the other person do a great deal of talking.
7. Let the other person feel that the idea is his or hers.
8. Try honestly to see things from the other person's point of view.
9. Be sympathetic with the other person's ideas and desires. 10. Appeal to the nobler motives.
11. Dramatize your ideas.
12. Throw down a challenge.

How To Be A Leader

1. Begin with praise and honest appreciation.
2. Call attention to other people's mistakes indirectly.
3. Talk about your own mistakes before criticizing the other person.
4. Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.
5. Let the other person save face.
6. Praise the slightest improvement and praise every improvement.

Add this book to your library. Include its wisdom into your life. Experience the Carnegie magic!

Reprinted from

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

I'm all a-twitter:

P S You won't believe this website I found:                     http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
Affiliate Disclosure: We are grateful to be of service and bring you content, like this email, free of charge. In order to do this, please note that whenever you click the links in our emails and purchase items, in most (not all) cases we will receive a referral commission. Your support in purchasing through these links enables us to empower more people worldwide to live lives of their own design. Thank you! :-)

Monday, December 5, 2011

Allowing Emotions To Fuel Your Desire

Allowing Emotions To Fuel Your Desire
by Jim Rohn

Emotions are the most powerful forces inside us. Under the power of emotions, human beings can perform the most heroic (as well as barbaric) acts. To a great degree, civilization itself can be defined as the intelligent channeling of human emotion. Emotions are fuel and the mind is the pilot, which together propel the ship of civilized progress.

Which emotions cause people to act? There are four basic ones; each, or a combination of several, can trigger the most incredible activity. The day that you allow these emotions to fuel your desire is the day you'll turn your life around.


One does not usually equate the word "disgust" with positive action. And yet, properly channeled, disgust can change a person's life. The person who feels disgusted has reached a point of no return. He or she is ready to throw down the gauntlet at life and say, "I've had it!" That's what I said after many humiliating experiences at age 25. I said, "I don't want to live like this anymore. I've had it with being broke. I've had it with being embarrassed, and I've had it with lying."

Yes, productive feelings of disgust come when a person says, "Enough is enough."

The "guy" has finally had it with mediocrity. He's had it with those awful sick feelings of fear, pain and humiliation. He then decides he is "not going to live like this anymore." Look out! This could be the day that turns a life around. Call it what you will, the "I've had it" day, the "never again" day, the "enough's enough" day. Whatever you call it, it's powerful! There is nothing so life-changing as gut-wrenching disgust!


Most of us need to be pushed to the wall to make decisions. And once we reach this point, we have to deal with the conflicting emotions that come with making them. We have reached a fork in the road. Now this fork can be a two-pronged, three-pronged, or even a four-pronged fork. No wonder decision-making can create knots in stomachs, keep us awake in the middle of the night, or make us break out in a cold sweat.

Making life-changing decisions can be likened to internal civil war. Conflicting armies of emotions, each with its own arsenal of reasons, battle each other for supremacy of our minds. And our resulting decisions, whether bold or timid, well-thought-out or impulsive, can either set the course of action or blind it. I don't have much advice to give you about decision-making except this:

Whatever you do, don't camp at the fork in the road. Decide. It's far better to make a wrong decision than to not make one at all. Each of us must confront our emotional turmoil and sort out our feelings.


How does one gain desire? I don't think I can answer this directly because there are many ways. But I do know two things about desire:

a. It comes from the inside, not the outside. b. It can be triggered by outside forces.

Almost anything can trigger desire. It's a matter of timing as much as preparation. It might be a song that tugs at the heart. It might be a memorable sermon. It might be a movie, a conversation with a friend, a confrontation with the enemy, or a bitter experience. Even a book or an article such as this one can trigger the inner mechanism that will make some people say, "I want it now!"

Therefore, while searching for your "hot button" of pure, raw desire, welcome into your life each positive experience. Don't erect a wall to protect you from experiencing life. The same wall that keeps out your disappointment also keeps out the sunlight of enriching experiences. So let life touch you. The next touch could be the one that turns your life around.


Resolve says, "I will." These two words are among the most potent in the English language. I WILL. Benjamin Disraeli, the great British statesman, once said, "Nothing can resist a human will that will stake even its existence on the extent of its purpose." In other words, when someone resolves to "do or die," nothing can stop him.

The mountain climber says, "I will climb the mountain. They've told me it's too high, it's too far, it's too steep, it's too rocky, it's too difficult. But it's my mountain. I will climb it. You'll soon see me waving from the top or you'll never see me, because unless I reach the peak, I'm not coming back." Who can argue with such resolve?

When confronted with such iron-willed determination, I can see Time, Fate and Circumstance calling a hasty conference and deciding, "We might as well let him have his dream. He's said he's going to get there or die trying."

The best definition for "resolve" I've ever heard came from a schoolgirl in Foster City, California. As is my custom, I was lecturing about success to a group of bright kids at a junior high school. I asked, "Who can tell me what 'resolve' means?" Several hands went up, and I did get some pretty good definitions. But the last was the best. A shy girl from the back of the room got up and said with quiet intensity, "I think resolve means promising yourself you will never give up." That's it! That's the best definition I've ever heard: PROMISE YOURSELF YOU'LL NEVER GIVE UP.

Think about it! How long should a baby try to learn how to walk? How long would you give the average baby before you say, "That's it, you've had your chance"? You say that's crazy? Of course it is. Any mother would say, "My baby is going to keep trying until he learns how to walk!" No wonder everyone walks.

There is a vital lesson in this. Ask yourself, "How long am I going to work to make my dreams come true?" I suggest you answer, "As long as it takes." That's what these four emotions are all about.

— Jim Rohn

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Seven Qualities of Leadership

Seven Qualities of Leadership

by Jim Rohn

If you want to be a leader who attracts quality people, the key is to become a person of quality yourself. Because leadership is the ability to attract someone to the gifts, skills, and opportunities you offer as a sponsor, as a manager, as a friend... I call leadership the great challenge of life.

Therefore, what's important in leadership is refining your skills. All great leaders keep working on themselves until they become effective. Here are some specifics:

  1. Learn to be strong but not rude. It is an extra step you must take to become a powerful, capable leader. Sadly, some people mistake rudeness for strength... It's not even a good substitute 
  2. Learn to be kind but not weak. We must not mistake kindness for weakness. Kindness isn't weak. Kindness is a certain type of strength. We must be kind enough to tell somebody the truth. We must be kind enough and considerate enough to lay it on the line. We must be kind enough to tell it like it is and not deal in delusion.
  3.  Learn to be bold but not a bully. It takes boldness to win the day. To build your influence, you've got to walk in front of your group. You've got to be willing to take the first arrow, tackle the first problem, discover the first sign of trouble.
  4. You've got to learn to be humble, but not timid. You can't get to the high life by being timid. Some people mistake timidity for humility... Humility is almost a God-like word. A sense of awe. A sense of wonder. An awareness of the human soul and spirit. An understanding that there is something unique about the human drama versus the rest of life. Humility is a grasp of the distance between us and the stars, yet having the feeling that we're part of the stars. So humility is a virtue; but timidity is a disease.
  5. Be proud but not arrogant. It takes pride to win the day. It takes pride to build your business. It takes pride to accomplish much. But the key to becoming a good leader is being proud without being arrogant. In fact I believe the worst kind of arrogance is arrogance from ignorance. It's when you don't know that you don't know... That kind of arrogance is intolerable. If someone is smart and arrogant, we can tolerate that. But if someone is ignorant and arrogant, that's just too much to take.
  6. Develop humor without folly. That's important for a leader. In leadership, we learn that it's okay to be witty, but not silly. It's okay to be fun, but not foolish.
  7. Lastly, deal in in truth...and save yourself the agony. Just accept life as it is. Because life is unique. For example, I've found the methods that work well for one leader may not work at all for another. And yet the fundamentals of leadership always work well for just about everyone: in life, business, in the community, and at home.

To Your Success,

Jim Rohn

© 2008 by Jim Rohn International. All Rights Reserved.

About the author: Jim Rohn (September 17, 1930 — December 5, 2009) was considered to be America's Foremost Business Philosopher, with a career that spanned over 40 years and touched the lives of over four million people worldwide. Internationally hailed as one of the most influential thinkers of our time, Rohn helped motivate an entire generation of personal development trainers as well as hundreds of executives from America's top corporations.


Live The Life You've Dreamed,

Derrick Carpenter

Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.

P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  
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Thursday, December 1, 2011



"A person is limited only by the thoughts that he chooses."—As A Man Thinketh

You are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Any time you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life, you're capable of doing that by choosing different thoughts.

We each earn the income we do today because that is the amount we have limited ourselves to earn. We could easily earn 5, 10, 20 times or more if we did not limit ourselves through the thoughts we maintain. Don't believe that's true? Surely you know people who earn much more than you who don't have your education, your skills, or your intelligence. So why do they earn more than you?

Learn from the story of George Dantzig that Cynthia Kersey wrote about in "Unstoppable."

 As a college student, George studied very hard and always late into the night; so late that he overslept one morning, arriving 20 minutes late for class, he quickly copied the two math problems on the board, assuming they were the homework assignment.

It took him several days to work through the two problems, but finally he had a breakthrough and dropped the homework on the professor's desk the next day.

 Later, on a Sunday morning, George was awakened at 6 a.m. by his excited professor. Since George was late for class, he hadn't heard the professor announce that the two unsolvable equations on the board were mathematical mind teasers that even Einstein hadn't been able to answer.

But George Dantzig, working without any thoughts of limitation, had solved not one, but two problems that had stumped mathematicians for thousands of years.

Simply put, George solved the problems because he didn't know he couldn't.

 Bob Proctor tells us to "keep reminding yourself that you have tremendous reservoirs of potential within you, and therefore you are quite capable of doing anything you set your mind to. All you must do is figure out how you can do it, not whether or not you can. And once you have made your mind up to do it, it's amazing how your mind begins to figure out how."


Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.


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P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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