Former Senator Chris Dodd -- head of the Motion Picture Association of America -- says that China censors its Internet, so we can too:
"When the Chinese told Google that they had to block sites or they couldn't do [business] in their country, they managed to figure out how to block sites."
These are the voices our lawmakers listen to. If we're going to win, we need to drown them out before TOMORROW's committee vote on SOPA.
Our goals for the week are one call per congressmember per minute -- and one million emails: Please click here to make a call or send an email, or do both right away -- it'll really only take a couple of minutes.
It's do-or-die time: The House Judiciary Committee will likely pass the Stop Online Piracy Act TOMORROW, Thursday. Once the bill moves out of committee, the House can pass it at any time.
If you've already made a call, please use our "censor anything" tool to urge your friends to contact Congress:
We want to make sure people understand what the Internet could be like if SOPA passes, so we're asking millions of people to protest censorship as part of our #CensorshipEverywhere campaign -- use our tool to censor parts of your own posts to Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and anything and everything else.
To uncensor it, your friends will need to contact their lawmakers and ask them to oppose SOPA:
Click ████ to uncensor this post and create a ████████ ████ and ████ it to ████ friends. To ████████ it, ████'ll ████ to use our ████ to ███████ ████████
Here's an example of what a censored email would look like:
The most important thing this week is that EVERYONE join the protests in some way. If all of us drive our audiences to make phone calls, we're unstoppable. We need to jam Congress's inboxes and melt their phone lines if we're going to stop SOPA.
Finally, if you have a website, post this call widget and urge your users to make calls -- Please paste this code into your website, blog, or Tumblr:
<iframe src="" width="588" height="625" border="0"></iframe>
Or add this script to your site:
<script src=""></script>
Join us and be a hero for Internet freedom and free speech.
We need you,
- David, Holmes, Tiffiniy, other David, and the rest of the team.
PS: This is it. Please help drive as much traffic as possible to Congress this week. Use these buttons to enlist your friends to fight censorship -- your post or tweet will be 'censored':
Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter, Dream Lifestylist
Dreams By Design Team
Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you. 201-305-3561
I'm all a-twitter:
P S You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ
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