Thursday, December 22, 2011

Happy Holidays

Remember this thought as we move through the 2011-12 Holiday season:

You are not limited to the life you now live. It has been accepted by you as the best you can do at this moment. Any time you're ready to go beyond the limitations currently in your life, you're capable of doing that by choosing different thoughts.

The holidays bring us ample time to get together with friends and family from far-flung corners of the state(s)
You may feel this is an excellent opportunity to let them know, in person what you've been up to or how you've been progressing.
As you talk with people over the holiday, remember your Purpose discover if people have the types of problems or needs that your solution can help them solve. And if they do, and they're
obviously prepared to take action, then offer them the opportunity to change their present situation.
A wonderful starter question is (first name) Do you know anyone who would like to do better in 2012 than they did in 2011?
And let the conversation flow from there...This way you can make a positive contribution by helping others achieve their goals while continuing to naturally and effortlessly achieve yours!
That's real prosperity... and a wonderful gift to give!
Love Ya!

Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.


I'm all a-twitter:  
P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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