Thursday, December 22, 2011

Biggest “Waste-of-Time Things” People Do To Build Their Business

Biggest "Waste-of-Time Things" People Do To Build Their Business

We have a list we call "waste-of-time things to do" in building your business. The second thing on the list is explaining a marketing plan in detail to a new person. Don't do it. By the time you get all the way through it, they don't understand it anyway. Just give them enough to get started. It's not necessary to explain the whole thing. Keep it real simple.

Also, the company has evolved with the tools, things like the internet, the DVDs, and the websites. Speaking of the internet, it has almost caused the downfall of this profession for a few years. People thought that all they had to do was recruit using computers. Well, it doesn't work. Computers are only good for training, follow-up and communication. It does not work to blast cyberspace to recruit people.

The point here is, once you have all the tools, all you have to do with your potentials is direct them to the right tools and then follow up if she (he) has any questions.

Tragically, the number one waste-of-time thing that people do in trying to build their business is to look for people to sponsor into their business. If you do the business right, you will never have to do that. Instead, you start off with a friend. A lot of people, however, say that they are willing to talk to strangers, but don't want to talk to their friends.

Their problem is one of two things. Either they don't believe it, or they don't understand it. If you believe that you could be financially independent in 1 to 3 years, and you understand it well enough to explain it to them  why would you want to give that kind of an opportunity to a total stranger before you gave it to your best friend?

Of course, you start with your friend. That person will know about 200 people that you don't know. You teach the one you already have (your friend) how to do "this" and "that," and how to introduce you to their friends. Can anyone meet a stranger if someone will introduce the stranger to them? The easiest way to be successful in LegalShield is to make a friend, then meet their friends.

 I want to stress something here. After I have signed up one of my friends, I immediately help them turn around and get their first person. Do the same with your new associates. Then start working down line to get the duplication going. In the process of doing this, along comes a second person. Now I have two people that I'm working with.

 This business has never been about signing up a bunch of people. It's about this—you get one person, and then help that person get one person. Then you teach and help that person to sign up one more.

Meanwhile, you start over and get one more. Then you have a real flow going. Once you get up to five—if you are working for your people like you should be—you now are going to be really busy. Remember that each person knows over 200 others. Some people misunderstand this. They say that we tell them you only sponsor five people. That's not true. Once you get the five, you put the brakes on for a moment and work with them until one of the five doesn't need you anymore.

It could be the first person you brought in. It might be the last one. It doesn't matter. When that person no longer needs you, you're free to offer someone else the opportunity. When you stop to think about it, isn't that what's really great about this business? You get to choose the people you want to work with.

You c(sh)ould have up to five new people by the end of your first full month in the business. If you start somewhere in the middle of a month, then you start counting after the first month in the business.

Before I continue, I'm going to tell you about a huge mistake that I made in this business. This is a mistake you want to avoid.

 Like I mentioned earlier, most of your potentials will know about 200 people with whom they could share their newfound opportunity. However, never, ever tell your new person to make out a list of 100 or 200 names. Don't do it—and here's why.

You've done all this preliminary work of telling someone that this business is not selling, it's networking and Network Marketing is different than selling. The person finally signs up in your business. This person might have had a job 15 years ago selling vacuum cleaners, insurance, encyclopedias or whatever. Guess what the first thing a sales manager tells the salesperson to do? Make a list of 100 names. Can anyone explain to me why you would need a list of 100 names simply to sponsor your best friend? You know who your best friends are. Instead, compile a short list.

What's a short list? If you were to go on a cruise, think of the five people who you would like to see have the time and money to be able to come with you. That is your list of names!

By the time you start meeting their friends, and meeting their friends, and so on, you're going to be so busy that you just have no idea how it grows. All we do is go around and meet people. That's all we do. So don't tell anyone to make out those big lists, or they'll think this is about selling.

If we take a look at the figures, we see that 5 multiplied by 200 is 1, 000. You now have a thousand potential people to meet through the five you already have. Just teach the ones you already have, how they can introduce new people to you.

You're going to help your 5 people so they get 5 serious people. That takes you to 25 serious people. 25 multiplied by 200 equals 5,000. These 5,000 plus the original 1,000 adds up to 6,000 potential people to meet through the people you already have. When would you have time to be out looking for strangers?

You're going to teach your people to help their people. It now goes from 25 up to 125. That's 25 multiplied by 5 each. You could be there in about six months. But, if it takes a whole year, so what? These are all serious people here. Now, you have 125 multiplied by 200, which equals 25,000. Now your potential number of people to meet has reached 31,000 through the people you already have. Again, when would you have time to be looking for strangers?

Live The Life You've Dreamed,

Dawn & Derrick Carpenter

Dream Architects

Dreams By Design Team Co-Founders



Live The Life You've Dreamed,
Derrick Carpenter
Dreams By Design Team

Looking to create freedom with a home-based business, I'd love to help you ~ 201-305-3561.


I'm all a-twitter:  
P.S.  You won't believe this website I found: http://HOMEBIZTAXBREAKS.BIZ  

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